Zarah Kampschulte
PhD Student, Trier University
Based at Trier University, I am currently an Early Stage Researcher.
My thesis will focus on the production and perception of prosody in a foreign language, particularly on how native speakers of Arabic produce and process German prosody.
- Talk at 18th P&P (Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschssprachigen Raum) conference: 6./
- Grant: "Kurzzeitstipendium zum Einstieg in die Promotion – Forschungsinitiative Rheinland-Pfalz": 03.2022
- Sessionchair at TiPToP (Trends in Pedagocial Transmission of Prosody) conference: 12.-13.10.2021
-Talk at 17th P&P (Phonetik und Phonologie) conference: 29.09.2021
PhD Student
09/2021 - recently
PhD at Trier University
Supervisors: JProf. Dr. Katharina Zahner-Ritter, Prof. Dr. Angelika Braun
Title: Prosodic interferences in Arabic learners of German (Workingtitle)
Master of Arts
10/2018 - 03/2021
Master of Arts at Trier University
Subject: Phonetics
Title: „Eine Ultraschall-Analyse von Zungenbewegungen in Sprechpausen“
("An ultrasound analysis of tongue movements during pauses in speech")
Bachelor of Arts
10/2015 - 10/2018
Bachelor of Arts at Trier University
Subject: German Studies and Phonetics
Title: „Die Fischer in Hartmanns ‚Gregorius‘ und Wirnts ‚Wigalois‘“
("The fishermen in Hartmann's 'Gregorius' and Wirnt's 'Wigalois'")
Scientific Assistant
09/21 - 03/22
Scientific Staff at Trier University
Supervisor: JProf. Katharina Zahner-Ritter
Project: Processing of L2 Prosody
Research Assistant
05/17 - 02/22
09/22 - recently
Research Assistant at Trier University
English Studies (Linguistics Department)
04/21 - 02/22
Tutor for Statistics with R
at Trier University
Research Assistant
03/22 – recently
Research Assistant at Trier University
Phonetics Department
Experiment Builder
Eye-Tracking (e.g. Visual World Task),
Production (Audio Recordings),
Perception (e.g. Recognition Memory Taks)
R, R Studio
Linear Mixed-Effects Regression Models (e.g. lmer, glmer),
Random Forests
Audio Recordings and -display, Mouse-Tracking, Eye-Tracking, Lexical Decision Task
Acoustic Analysis, Praat Scripting, Audio Manipulation
Articulate Assistant Advanced
Ultrasonic Data collection and Analysis (Splines)
British National Corpus
Winter Term 2021/2022
Statistics with R for phoneticians
M.A. Level
Summer Term
Statistics with R for phoneticians
M.A. Level
Publications and Presentations
- Breitbarth, Zarah (2022): „Tongue movements during silent speech pauses in spontaneous speech.“ Gastvortrag im Seminar LING301 (Tammy Ganster, M.A.) an der Universität Trier. Online, 03.02.2022.
- Zahner-Ritter, Katharina / Breitbarth, Zarah (2021): The role of experience in the production and processing of prosodic prominence in the L2 – Work in progress. Colloquium Trier University & Saarland University. Online, 3.12.2021.
- Breitbarth, Zarah / Panne, Laura (2021): Atemformanten als Resultat sprecherspezifischer Zungenpositionen? Akustische und physiologische Untersuchungen von Inspirationspausen. Vortrag auf der 17. P&P (Phonetik & Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum), Frankfurt, 29.09.2021.